Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Vid number 2

So the second video on the list is "Someday" by Nickelback to the wonderful show that is Farscape. I still miss that show, in fact if it was for this show I would have been hooked on scifi. Thanks Ben and Claudia for to consistently out-standing performance.
Anyway back to the vid.
This time the song choice worked with the storyline of the show and so it was easier to make the video. The clips pretty much worked in sync with the lyrics, which obviously is a crucial part when making a video. Another important part is finding the right speed of clips and knowing when to change from one clip to another. Unfortunately I didn't do this in this vid and it shows that once again it's an amature vidder making it. In fact mid way through the vid there is a whole scene (when John and Aeryn are in the hanger bay, their first real kiss) which goes on far too long. Even though I have cut up the scene and faded it together it still lasts far too long.

Tip: If you are unsure of when to cut the clips, cut them at the end of each line of the song. Eventually you with instinctively know when to cut and you can play with the length of clips. If anything, make them smaller the the line of the song and use two or three clips.

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