Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just a quick update today with a little promotion.
I have entered the stargate fan contest with my Angels vid so please watch and comment:

My Long Long Way to Go vid has also been entered:

This is my first contest so fingers crossed (and double crossed if that's possible)

Back to the Angels vid. As it seems to be the most popular (at the moment as least) I have entered it into the Vengeful Desires awards. Links can be found on my vid page on Youtube.

Also, really quickly cos I should be making a vid, please vote Stargate Atlantis in the People's Chioce Awards:
You can vote as many times as you like so get clicking :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Vid number 2

So the second video on the list is "Someday" by Nickelback to the wonderful show that is Farscape. I still miss that show, in fact if it was for this show I would have been hooked on scifi. Thanks Ben and Claudia for to consistently out-standing performance.
Anyway back to the vid.
This time the song choice worked with the storyline of the show and so it was easier to make the video. The clips pretty much worked in sync with the lyrics, which obviously is a crucial part when making a video. Another important part is finding the right speed of clips and knowing when to change from one clip to another. Unfortunately I didn't do this in this vid and it shows that once again it's an amature vidder making it. In fact mid way through the vid there is a whole scene (when John and Aeryn are in the hanger bay, their first real kiss) which goes on far too long. Even though I have cut up the scene and faded it together it still lasts far too long.

Tip: If you are unsure of when to cut the clips, cut them at the end of each line of the song. Eventually you with instinctively know when to cut and you can play with the length of clips. If anything, make them smaller the the line of the song and use two or three clips.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My very first vid, a lifetime ago.

Anything written in this blog is purely my thoughts and ideas. In no way am I saying that this is the best way to vid, this is just what works for me.
Well I said that I would be talking about my vids in this blog and so I shall.
In all honestly I can't really what my very first vid was but I have a list of all the videos I have ever made and so I shall just follow that. No one would have known if I hadn't said anyway.
So first on the list is: Gone
This is a video for the character of Lindsey McDonald from the series "Angel".

I was using Windows Movie Maker on XP (I think it was XP) and was just using the basic effects and transitions. All clips were downloaded and I did not have the full episodes the use. This ment that when making the video I often had to use clips that I would have discarded had I had the whole episode.
I was suprised when watching this vid before writing this how not-so-terrible is was. It's not a master piece and it's quite clear that an amature vidder was making it. But that said the clips did change at a regular pace, in this case almost with ever line of the song. But the clips were mostly just placed in where I wanted them, not really fitting with the lyrics.
A major mistake I made with this vid was that I chose the song because I liked it, not because if worked with the fandom or character. I have made this mistake many times, but you have to learn from this.

I would greatly recommend cutting up the episodes, only saving the clips you wish to keep and then cataloguing. I catalogue by separating the clips into folders for different catorgories. E.G. - for Stargate Atlantis I have folders for each character and each pairing. This makes it soooo much easier when importing clips.
When I catalogue I first start by downloading the entire episode. These can be found from a variety of sources including Itunes. I then cut up the episode saving each clips according to the number of the episode and then number of the clips as I save them. For example:
The third clip saved from the episode Home would be saved as: 109 - 3.
After I would move the clips into folders according to character and pairing.
Doing this may take forever and at first it seems so pointless, but I asure you when it comes to making videos it's a breeze. (Well it's easier to find clips that are relevant)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Life is shite, but now I have a blog!

Well this has taken forever, my first official blog! I have a website, youtube account and livejournal, so what's one more thing to update.

Life is shite, but what's new. That's something we all know already. Just when you think things are looking up, something happens and you feel like life is one very long and pointless journey into the unknown. And what's waiting at the end?

You've guessed it, nothing!!! What's the point in that, if I have to go through all this shite then I want to get something at the end. I want my reward!!!

Still there are some small (so small you can barely see them) patches of light in a world of darkness. Sometimes when you're about to give up, it happens. You get that phone call or that email and you know that someone is watching over you (and I don't mean some creep who's watching you from the window) I mean something lets you know there's more out there.

Now I am a huge scifi fan, in fact I can't live without it. I mean that, if there as a ban on all things scifi I would kill over right now. I not one of those geeks who speaks Klingon (in fact I had to check the spelling on that) or one of those people who thinks that the aliens are going to get them (though i wish they would) I just enjoy everything about believing that there is more to life than what is on this planet. I religiously watch Stargate Atlantis, in fact if I can download the episodes before they air over here in England, I do. I guess you could say I'm a little impatient, or a lot.

I originaly became a fan thanks to an amazing show called Farscape. If you haven't heard of it then you can't call yourself a scifi fan. Then thanks to the miracle that is the acting skills of a certain Mr Ben Browder, Stargate SG-1 wanted him for season 9. From then I become a fan of the second biggest scifi franchise (Star Trek being the first) I was then hook on Altantis and I have to admit that I love it so much more than SG-1. Good thing really conidering there's no more SG-1 except for the movies.

Since becoming a fan I have set up my own website:
and youtube page:

I write fan fic (when I find the time and have the mental ability to think of stories that are worthy of the show) and I also make my own music videos.
Take a look sometime and let me know aht you think of my work.