Sunday, November 11, 2007

Life is shite, but now I have a blog!

Well this has taken forever, my first official blog! I have a website, youtube account and livejournal, so what's one more thing to update.

Life is shite, but what's new. That's something we all know already. Just when you think things are looking up, something happens and you feel like life is one very long and pointless journey into the unknown. And what's waiting at the end?

You've guessed it, nothing!!! What's the point in that, if I have to go through all this shite then I want to get something at the end. I want my reward!!!

Still there are some small (so small you can barely see them) patches of light in a world of darkness. Sometimes when you're about to give up, it happens. You get that phone call or that email and you know that someone is watching over you (and I don't mean some creep who's watching you from the window) I mean something lets you know there's more out there.

Now I am a huge scifi fan, in fact I can't live without it. I mean that, if there as a ban on all things scifi I would kill over right now. I not one of those geeks who speaks Klingon (in fact I had to check the spelling on that) or one of those people who thinks that the aliens are going to get them (though i wish they would) I just enjoy everything about believing that there is more to life than what is on this planet. I religiously watch Stargate Atlantis, in fact if I can download the episodes before they air over here in England, I do. I guess you could say I'm a little impatient, or a lot.

I originaly became a fan thanks to an amazing show called Farscape. If you haven't heard of it then you can't call yourself a scifi fan. Then thanks to the miracle that is the acting skills of a certain Mr Ben Browder, Stargate SG-1 wanted him for season 9. From then I become a fan of the second biggest scifi franchise (Star Trek being the first) I was then hook on Altantis and I have to admit that I love it so much more than SG-1. Good thing really conidering there's no more SG-1 except for the movies.

Since becoming a fan I have set up my own website:
and youtube page:

I write fan fic (when I find the time and have the mental ability to think of stories that are worthy of the show) and I also make my own music videos.
Take a look sometime and let me know aht you think of my work.

1 comment:

johns said...

All the Farscape seasons are worth watching. I usually watch Farscape online at The site provides unmatched picture and sound quality.