Monday, November 12, 2007

My very first vid, a lifetime ago.

Anything written in this blog is purely my thoughts and ideas. In no way am I saying that this is the best way to vid, this is just what works for me.
Well I said that I would be talking about my vids in this blog and so I shall.
In all honestly I can't really what my very first vid was but I have a list of all the videos I have ever made and so I shall just follow that. No one would have known if I hadn't said anyway.
So first on the list is: Gone
This is a video for the character of Lindsey McDonald from the series "Angel".

I was using Windows Movie Maker on XP (I think it was XP) and was just using the basic effects and transitions. All clips were downloaded and I did not have the full episodes the use. This ment that when making the video I often had to use clips that I would have discarded had I had the whole episode.
I was suprised when watching this vid before writing this how not-so-terrible is was. It's not a master piece and it's quite clear that an amature vidder was making it. But that said the clips did change at a regular pace, in this case almost with ever line of the song. But the clips were mostly just placed in where I wanted them, not really fitting with the lyrics.
A major mistake I made with this vid was that I chose the song because I liked it, not because if worked with the fandom or character. I have made this mistake many times, but you have to learn from this.

I would greatly recommend cutting up the episodes, only saving the clips you wish to keep and then cataloguing. I catalogue by separating the clips into folders for different catorgories. E.G. - for Stargate Atlantis I have folders for each character and each pairing. This makes it soooo much easier when importing clips.
When I catalogue I first start by downloading the entire episode. These can be found from a variety of sources including Itunes. I then cut up the episode saving each clips according to the number of the episode and then number of the clips as I save them. For example:
The third clip saved from the episode Home would be saved as: 109 - 3.
After I would move the clips into folders according to character and pairing.
Doing this may take forever and at first it seems so pointless, but I asure you when it comes to making videos it's a breeze. (Well it's easier to find clips that are relevant)

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